Oh my gosh !!!! That little test said I am Hitler .... "You are paranoid, but killing all of your enemies does help relieve anxiety. You are you tend to see threats everywhere and always focus on worst case scenarios.
You'll pardon me as I go rough up some administrators.
Found your blog through jonboy's. Hope you don't mind my looking around a bit. In response to a comment I found elsewhere, allow me to point out the obvious. "The whole [Lincoln] thing - it's so, well, Republican." Better go wash your hands, a lot.
Ah...so it's true. We are both victims of assassination. This preoccupation with old and dead things - it has lead us to a friggin' all-about-me-and-my-unique-ways survey and to our doom. See what mediation gets us? ;)
Oh my gosh !!!! That little test said I am Hitler .... "You are paranoid, but killing all of your enemies does help relieve anxiety. You are you tend to see threats everywhere and always focus on worst case scenarios.
You'll pardon me as I go rough up some administrators.
That's supposed to say "You are Hitler. You tend to see ......"
Well, that's just freaky! Wonder who the other choices were? Anyone?
I'm so sorry about the assasination thing. But I've always liked old honest Abe. PPB
Found your blog through jonboy's. Hope you don't mind my looking around a bit. In response to a comment I found elsewhere, allow me to point out the obvious. "The whole [Lincoln] thing - it's so, well, Republican." Better go wash your hands, a lot.
Well, they have the description down. That is you dead out. ~snickers~
Touche splineguy! Ha ha! Feel free to read some more. I'll try to say lots of insulting things about math, too!
Cough cough...
*I* am Mother Teresea...
"Saint" Headless!!
Don't make me laugh so hard. It hurts.
Not nearly as bad as a trip to the theatre...
It was all Mary's fault, of course. I wanted to stay home.
"The woman thou gavest me Lord!"
Yeah, the serpent said something about "thou sure as hell won't die". Or something.
Ah...so it's true. We are both victims of assassination. This preoccupation with old and dead things - it has lead us to a friggin' all-about-me-and-my-unique-ways survey and to our doom. See what mediation gets us? ;)
Damn good point, JustPat! I am so all-about-me-and-my-unique-ways! ha ha ha!
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