Friday, September 16, 2005

We're all Kindergartners at heart.

You know how you can always convince little kids that your nickel is worth more than their dime and you can make them believe you are doing them a favor by trading? What? You know you've done it! I think we all still have a lot of that little kid inside us.

So give it up, treasury department! As long as the half dollar has such significant heft, as long as it feels so substantial in the palm of your hand and makes such a satisfying ringing noise when you spin it on your desk, as long as the oversized engravings are so detailed and precise – you’ll never make a
quarter-sized dollar will succeed. Keep yer stinkin’ dime – I'd much rather have a nickel!


jonboy said...

You must be bored.

jonboy said...

Of course, I'm the one who just posted to your blog at 2:30 in the afternoon ... twice ...

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I just so totally agree! The heaviness of it makes you feel like you really have something. Then it makes you think long and hard about spending it on something.

Mindy...member of the Kindergartner shark group

Baby Gator said...

My Mom has a group but I don't. ~sniffles~ no one wants to play with me. I agree about the quarter sized dollar thing, but that puzzle game on their website wasn't to bad.