Ho hum.
I've been in a bit of a
this week. Nothing major, I'm just bored, bored, bored. I really need to be able to take some time off to sit at my house, doing nothing, until I get so bored that I want to go back to work. Then all will be

Lula Belle Bliss. What a name!
LOVE this
and it would be bliss to sit home until I felt like working /studying again
happy weekend :) may it not be too busy
*snickers* You are so funny.
I think the whole blogging world is in a bit of a funck right now.
I knew a woman whose last name was Kilgore who married a guy with the name Bliss. Quite a transition.
Lula Belle is such a cheerful, happy name. And Lula Belle Bliss....Why lookit that....there's only one date there. She's still alive, isn't she?
You HAVE to look her up. I'll be she'd cheer you up. Bet she bakes the best homemade chocolate chip cookies on earth with a name like that.
Then again, if you have luck like mine, she's likely to be a terbacky chewin, sailor mouthed, biker gramma living in a trailer park with a one legged dog named "Stinky".
My funk is that I can't wait for the school year to end!
I had a cousin named Liddy-Bell, and her husband was named Ollius (ad in all-yus). I also have an uncle Pope and Sherl.
I fear the Southern tradition of unusual names has given way to Brittany, Hunter, and Tyler.
Lula Belle Bliss
I think I may name my next car after her....
Lula Belle Bliss, that is quite the Southern name!
I can so identify with your feelings of funkness.
PS-- I agree with Princess Mindy's assessment that the the whole blogging world is in a bit of a funck right now, so at least we are not alone in our misery!
You funny bunny!
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