Saturday, February 01, 2014

You are getting veerrrry sleeepyyy...

This week's prompt is selfie.  Here are some things that you would maybe want to know:

1.  I have not been smoking pot.  I'd just come back from getting my hair permed when I took this photo.  Some of the chemicals got in my eyes.  Fer reals.

2.  My hair naturally looks like Jan Brady's.  Straight as a board.  Except for the grey stuff.  Those hairs are kinky and curly.

3 Do the reading glasses make me look smarter?  I think they aren't that big in real life.  I am hoping that is just a function of the weirdness that is selfie-angle.

4.  I really am wearing a shirt under that jacket.

5. At present I am about to starve.  We have no breakfast food in the house.  (That is perhaps a bit of an over-statement, but nothing I want to eat.  And no milk.  Or biscuits.)  I am torn between an all-consuming desire for breakfast burritos and a quart of good hot sauce to start the reaming out process on my tortured sinuses and the quiet, less demanding desire to let Jackson sleep because he felt really, really horrible last night and probably did not sleep much until the wee hours of the morning.  It's 9:30.  Perhaps I can nurture the milk of human kindness for another half hour.  Maybe.

6.  I am taking a bit of a vacation next week.  I have so much on my plate at work right now that I find myself stressing about taking the time off.  This is perhaps a sure sign that I need to get the hell out of Dodge for a bit.

7.  Work is still very enjoyable, all things considered.  I was reminded of this a couple of days ago.  We were "out in the District", and had a full morning's worth of hearings in the Court Barn.  Once everything was done, we shuffled our papers and packed away our files as the Judge stood and unzipped his robe. He tossed the robe in the general direction of the hat rack and said "I'll see y'all at the beer store." 

 And in a very few minutes we gathered around a plastic-covered table, devouring plates of delectable beer store bbq, and laughing a lot.

8.   You know, I thought I'd have all kinds of things to say in this post.  Selfie?  Who doesn't love talking about themselves?  Normally not me, but I can't think of a single interesting thing to tell you.  Perhaps it's the lack of food.  Yeah, that's probably it.  I'm outta here in favor of foraging.  Have a good week!


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

WOW...steve's kind words make me kinda want to rush on over there and see what he is all about.


I LOVE this picture of you!!

Take care of yourself. Be KIND to yourself.

Don't follow Steve anywhere...I think it is a trap.

Lori said...

~Snorts~ I agree with Mindy.. don't trust anybody misquoting Jesus...
I think you look beautiful, I'm all jealous over the bbq though... bet thats a dang sin too..
I love your hair... and I love the picture too...

spookyrach said...

hahahaha! Poor Steve. He really got gypped on his brand of Christianity. Do you think we should tell him he bought a total lemon? Do you think he'd be interested in the real thing?

Nah, probably not.

And thanks, Mindy. I kinda liked that pic, too. And I am generally good to myself, I think. :)

stinuksuk said...

Great selfie!!! The hair is pretty nice too!!!

Cindy said...

Great pic, you look great!