Wednesday, July 18, 2012

She Might Be A Princess, But Why Make Her Disney'd?

So, you know I'm a fan of Wonder Woman.  And, like any self-respecting geek, I loves me some Wonder Woman stuff - t-shirts, mugs, jewelry, stationary, etc.  But I have a question. 

Why is it all WW merchandise uses the older versions of the Amazon?  You know, the one that looks like Betty Crocker in a swimsuit and tiara?

Why isn't there stuff with the more current version?  You know, the bad-ass warrior woman?


Lois said...

Because there is no Wonder Woman film?

spookyrach said...

Don't remind me. ~grumble, grumble, grumble~

Anonymous said...

It's a vast conspiracy against any female toon icon being more awesome than all the male toon icons put together. I've known many cartoon artists. So many issues.....

Lori VC

spookyrach said...

Defintely arse-kicker. :)

You're right about the artists. I've stopped subscribing to the comic book several times over the years because it was discouragingly tit/ass-centric. Sighhhh.

patricia said...

She is way cooler than Spiderman. Why are there so many effing Spiderman movies?

spookyrach said...

Freakin' hell! I only WISH I knew why all the Spiderman movies. Gaaaahhhhh. I am tired of whatching Peter Parker trying to overcome his rampaging insecurity in order to save the world. Or zip his pants. Whichever comes first.

It was waaaaaay too soon for another Spiderman movie and I refuse to see it.
