Monday, June 19, 2006

You might agree with his theology, but...

First in a list of really bad ideas:

Forego your formal education, along about grade seven, for the wonders of weed. Smoke copious amounts of said plant until all higher brain functions have pretty much ceased.

2. Give up on the idea of gainful employment and instead determine to support yourself and your progeny through the glories of common theivery.

3. Make the less than fortuitous choice to break into a home without first ascertaining if said home is currently unoccupied.

4. Have the crap beaten out of yourself. This is Texas, after all, and you were just lucky the gentleman of the house did not avail himself of his sidearm while you were present in his abode.

5. Show up in court for your sentencing with an elaborate tatoo on the front of your neck, just above the collar of your bright orange inmate jumpsuit. Said large-lettered tatoo should read: "Only God Can Judge Me."


Unknown said...

Oh. Oh. Oh.
That must have been some sight!

Miss Kitty said...

Oh, man. Priceless.

My guess is he got that tattoo as a talisman of sorts against all those who ARE judging him.

annie said...

(I always say things could be I know it is true.)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh man...what ever shall you see next?

I wonderful what his back says?

Miss Kitty said... you've got me wondering what his butt tattoo says. Or maybe I don't want to know...

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, Miss Agnes.

little david said...

Was this one of your "clients" or just a sight observed in court? You get to hang out in all the fun places.

James Burnett said...

Great post. I also author a blog about manners and etiquette for modern times. And I think postings like yours help drive home to young people the benefits of good sense over the "glorious" thug lives they've been led to believe are so wonderful.

Anonymous said...


Good on you Rach :)